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Logs - 10087
Logs - BA
The Ship

Logs --> Before Andromeda

Years: 10088, 10087, BA*

(The most recent entries are at the top. To read them in the order they happened, scroll to the bottom and work your way up.)

* Before Andromeda

This was all way boring compared to life on the Andromeda, but here's a little taste of what normal life is like. And of course, don't miss A Brief History of Seamus Zelazny Harper, Volume One for the early years.

3.28.10087 [ SSC ]

Beka disappeared for a while when we were docked at Double Happiness Drift. I was afraid she'd gone to hook up with Bobby again (shudder), but it turned out she was meeting with some Nightsider about a new job. She keeps calling this one "the big score" and has me rigging the Maru with all kinds of specialized equipment -- bucky cables, advanced active sensors, stasis pods. I dunno, though: I've got a weird feeling about this one.

2.20-2.24.10087 [ ASSC ]

I never knew running cargo for the Big Kahuna could be so cool. He was so happy with our prompt delivery, we ended up staying at his place at Infinity Atoll for three whole days - on the house! Rev used the time to contemplate and Trance went off to study sand fleas or some damn thing, while Beka and I boosted some grav speeders and had a blast. Life on the Maru can be pretty wonderful sometimes. The only problem: I've got some kind of rash that's driving me nuts. Aw well; it's probably nothing.

1.10.10087 [ YASSC ]

A traveller's aid station on Sinti had a message for me… from Earth, of all places. It turns out Brendan and the gang scraped together enough cash to send me Christmas greetings from old Boston town. Made me feel kinda nostalgic, but I'm sure he wants something. And hey, not like I'm going back to that pit anytime soon.

Feel free to check out the year 10087 over in that log file there.

Or back there is stuff that happened in 10088

Photos on this page are from the
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda official site
and are copyright 2001, Tribune Entertainment Co.

NOTE - The majority of this website's content was taken from the abandoned archives of the former website.
This is intended to be a mirror site to ensure that the content will not be lost forever.