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The Ship


So there's this warship, see, and she's the fastest, meanest thing in six galaxies - when you piss her off...

See, she's also got the personality of one hot babe. I mean, just look at her!

How does this work? Well, the ship doesn't just have an onboard computer that helps figure out the navigation and shoot missiles when you push the button. No my friend, it's way cooler than that. See, the ship has an artificial intelligence built-in so it can think for itself and take care of itself. Doesn't take nearly as many crew that way, and you'd be amazed at how maneuverable the ship can be when it knows on its own that it should avoid getting hit by stuff.

Anyway, the warship is really cool in itself, and the AI has this awesome personality complete with emotions, ideas and tons of interfaces to talk with the crew - holograms, data screens, and my personal favorite (and crowning glory) - her own flesh-and-metal avatar.

Just watch for when she starts talking to herself all these ways. Now that can be funny.

So take a look at the details on the ship

Or let me show you to my files on her gorgeousness

Photos on this page are from the
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda official site
and are copyright 2001, Tribune Entertainment Co.

NOTE - The majority of this website's content was taken from the abandoned archives of the former website.
This is intended to be a mirror site to ensure that the content will not be lost forever.