Seamus Harper Online

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The Ship

cool toys I built

For the academy's consideration, here are a few of the neato keen bits of tech I've put together during my time on Andromeda (but alas, not on Andromeda, if you catch my drift.)

The Quantum Entanglement Teleporter

Technically, Technical Director Høhne and his team of chinheads invented the thing. But it was just a giant paperweight until the Harper here figured out how to make it work -- after a few tries, anyway (sorry about Walter, Trance! But at least he gave his life to science.) Even better than teleporting a melon across a room, though, was my use of the Kerr black hole at Hephaistos to send our very own Captain Hunt back through time to pay one last visit to his honey, Sara. Too bad the IS system couldn't bring them both back to our time. Dylan seemed so sad when I brought him back alone -- but he's done all right for himself since then (see: Elssbett Mossadim).

The Bell X-1, a.k.a. "Glamorous Glennis"

Okay, so I haven't finished it yet. And admittedly, progress has varied considerably on building this reproduction of the plane Chuck Yaeger (not to be confused with Jeger, who tried to kill me) used to break the sound barrier back in CY 6869. But I've set a goal for myself to have it done by our next visit to Infinity Atoll. They've got an atmospheric craft landing strip that's just perfect for launching the Glennis -- and buzzing the nude beaches over at Leeward Shore.

The Footprint Magnification System (FMS)

This baby was one of the High Guard's sweetest pieces of tech. It basically sends a signal through a vessel's active sensors that increases its sensor footprint. Translation: it makes a little ship look like a great big one. It's handy for parties, weddings, or fooling a Rester destroyer into thinking the Maru was really the Andromeda, while the real Andromeda snuck around behind to lay the smackdown on the bad guys.

AP-Catalyzed Fusion

This is a nice trick I found in a dusty old research paper. You basically use the AG fields to condense the free hydrogen atoms in a nebula behind you as you travel, then sprinkle in some antiprotons to induce a great big fusion reaction. Result: a zillion megaton hydrogen bomb.

For over a thousand years, this was basically a solution in search of a problem -- until I realized its potential for lighting up the Witchhead Nebula and changing history - or was that preserving history? Who knows. Time travel makes my head hurt. (see: my log entry for 5.7.10087)

Photos on this page are from the
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda official site
and are copyright 2001, Tribune Entertainment Co.

NOTE - The majority of this website's content was taken from the abandoned archives of the former website.
This is intended to be a mirror site to ensure that the content will not be lost forever.